Aladdin #15 – Merchant Side Quest

I’m building the second side quest in my Agrabah toy box today, in which a merchant asks the player to fetch some items from the other side of the city and bring them back to him for a reward. The merchant resides in zone 2 of my toy box.

Here is the logic diagram for zone 2 and how I use it to generate the townsperson that serves as the mission giver:

And here is the logic diagram for the side quest. The friend generator and the locator at the top of this diagram are the same objects from the previous diagram. The radar marker and dynamic trigger near the bottom of the diagram are also connected to the locator at the top (for the mission giver), but I couldn’t show that on the diagram without crossing lines and overly crowding it.

I should also note that I updated the logic diagram for the previous episode to add a couple of missing logic connections.


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