How Do You Play Disney Infinity – Poll Results

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a poll on the Community tab on my YouTube channel, to find out how many of my active viewers play Disney Infinity on a console and how many play on PC.

The reason I did this poll was because of a recent discovery by modder That Froggy for sharing toy boxes from PS4 and PS5 consoles to PC. They had figured out how to access the toy box files on those two consoles and make them available to PC players who had the Gold Edition of the games.

And that made me wonder whether my channel still had any relevance.

As you probably know, the whole point of my Professor Toybox channel was to teach people how to use the Disney Infinity toy box mode, and then provide toy box designs that they could then build on their own systems. In this way, players could obtain new content for the game.

But if the majority of my viewers were on PC, and they now had instant access to lots of new toy boxes, would anyone still want to build anything?

So, I conducted my poll, and here are the results:

The first thing I noticed was that out of more than 4750 subscribers, only 159 people voted. This is disheartening, but it is consistent with the reduced number of views that my videos have been getting in the past year or two. I may have a lot of subscribers, but most of them aren’t watching anymore. I am assuming that means that they probably aren’t playing the game anymore either.

The second thing that I noticed was that out of those subscribers who are still watching, the vast majority of them are still playing on consoles. There aren’t nearly as many who are playing on PC.

This tells me several things.

First, the only way that the majority of my active viewers are going to get new content is to build the toy boxes themselves, because there is still no other way to get new toy boxes on the consoles. And that means that I still need to produce a series of build videos for each of my toy boxes if anyone is going to play them. (This was one of the questions that I had, was whether there was still any point in me creating build videos, and it turns out – there is.)

Second, because the majority of my active viewers are still playing on consoles, I don’t have to shy away from using the Marvel Battlegrounds or Finding Dory toys in my toy box designs. I will still try to provide alternative suggestions for those who are playing on PC, or who don’t own those play sets, but I can continue to use those pieces in my toy box designs if I want.

Third, if I am going to continue to develop new toy boxes for my reduced audience, as well as build videos, I should probably do it for my own satisfaction and not necessarily because there is still a huge demand for it – because there isn’t.

To be fair, I knew this day would come from the moment I chose to start the Professor Toybox channel. I knew that over time there would be fewer and fewer people who would continue to play the game. And because of that, I wasn’t sure how long I would continue to do this. In fact, I really didn’t expect this channel to still be going this strong 5 years later.

But I have also been surprised how many viewers had stopped watching my channel and playing the game, who have come back to it again in recent months. It has been a joy to see people that I remember from several years ago commenting on my videos once again.

But that’s a testament to just how good the game is.

Even after all these years, there still isn’t anything like it. I’m still finding new things that I can do in the toy box – new worlds I can build, new games I can make, and new ways of using the existing toys to do things I never thought possible. And no other game exists that gives me the freedom and flexibility to create the things I can imagine.

So, for the foreseeable future, I will continue to design new toy boxes, because I personally love doing that. And I will continue to create build videos for my active viewers who still enjoy the game, and for those who may come back to Disney Infinity again in the future.

I may not return to a regular 3-video-per-week schedule, but as long as people keep watching, I will continue to provide new content for you.

9 thoughts on “How Do You Play Disney Infinity – Poll Results

  1. Kon Krypton

    While I have both the console versions and the PC versions, I tend to prefer playing on the console in order to use my figures and power discs. I just don’t enjoy the experience of playing on PC as much. I’m glad you are going to continue!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I agree. The mods are intriguing, but in my mind there is no substitute for console – not when I have local multiplayer and a bigger variety of building pieces to work with. And those figures and discs are so well crafted!


  2. KRunge

    I’m with Kon

    I have both but enjoy the console more. There is something about digging thru your power discs and figures that reminds me of having all my comic books spread all over the floor as a kids.

    With the return to the office, I’ve lost some of my free time to the commute and life is back to a certain pace. I’m sure that’s part of the reason in the viewership drop. I know I haven’t been making the rounds to any of the other content creators I use to follow diligently.

    Thanks for all the hard work. Disney Infinity and your channel are cozy gaming for me. I’m glad Mrs. Toybox is recovery well and I look forward to your content on both channels.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tabitha Alfrey

    I only just recently found your channel. I’ve had Disney Infinity for my Xbox 360 since it came out. I played mostly in the playsets with my then teenagers. I had 3.0 just to play StarWars players with them but we rarely played since they were off at ccllege. I had built a toybox more just for myself in the 1.0 and had barely played in the toybox 3.0.
    Fast forward to the last few months and my grandkids are obsessed with the toybox. This is how I came to find your channel because I am now having to learn all the building skills. I bought 2.0 for Marvel characters and playsets and they love it even more. I’d love to see more Marvel ideas!
    Thank you for all your wonderful content!


  4. Grand Admiral Thrawn

    Always know that there will always be an audience out there, just eager to see what new Toy Boxes you’ve got in store for us! You haven’t let us down with your amazing designs & ideas, and I’m MORE THAN SURE it will stay that way.

    “Whatever happens next happens to the both of us.”
    “That’s the idea.”

    -Thrawn and Ezra Bridger in the final episode of Star Wars: Rebels

    You love designing, we love recreating them! Whatever you do next, we will follow you with your builds. We love all your ideas/Toy Boxes. THAT’S the idea for you to keep in mind.

    Keep up the amazing work, Professor! Best wishes to you and Mrs. ToyBox!

    -Grand Admiral Thrawn, Commander of the capital ship Chimaera, an Imperial 1-class Star Destroyer during the Galactic Civil War.

    Liked by 1 person

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