Age of Ultron: Additional Helicarrier Improvements

While I was on vacation, Jetblast190 shared these screenshots of an additional change that he made for the SHIELD helicarrier in my Sokovia toy box. He created a kiosk for the buttons that add and remove the jets.

In his own words: “Here are some screenshots of how I created the button kiosks for generating and removing vehicles for the players to defeat the flying enemies over Sokovia. I don’t have the Avengers power disc for the flying vehicle, so I used the Mini Milano and the Starfoil.

“Screenshots 1 & 2 show the vehicle generators and the button kiosks in the Helicarrier’s stern. Green buttons (basic block triangle blocks styled to green metal) generate the vehicles and red buttons (basic block triangle blocks styled to red metal) remove them.”

“Screenshots 3-6 are the toys that I used to create the button kiosks.”

“Screenshot 7 shows how all the toys can be combined inside of a Trigger Area without using the Path Tool. First place the Death Star Floor Detail G toys inside the Trigger Area, then place the Button Casings and Triangle Blocks inside the Death Star Floor Detail G toys and delete the Trigger Areas. The last thing is to create the logic connections from the Button Casings to the Vehicle Generators to generate and remove the vehicles. Building Technique Credit: That Brown Bat”

I would have never thought of building a housing around the buttons. This is quite detailed, and adds a nice finishing touch to the helicarrier hangar.

I also asked him about the teleporter in that shot, because I didn’t recognize it, and he replied, “It’s the Knowhere Portal from Gameplay Toys. It unlocks in Marvel Battlegrounds Challenge #23.” Another great touch!

Hope you enjoyed these additional improvements to my SHIELD helicarrier. Thank you, Jetblast190, for sharing these with me and allowing me to share them with my followers!

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