Age of Ultron: Sokovia Improvements

Jetblast190, a fellow toy box creator and YouTuber, sent me these pictures of the extra details that he made to my Sokovia toy box. He also updated the terrain texture on his helicarrier to use the Hero’s Duty theme, as Clinton suggested. (If you haven’t checked out either of their YouTube channels yet, you should!)

I’ll let Jetblast190 tell you about these pictures in his own words:

“Hello Professor, Here are some additional screenshots of the revised Helicarrier since I updated the terrain texture to Hero’s Duty…it’s totally boss!”

“I also included screenshots of Sokovia that include the extra building destruction and effects that I used.”

“Wherever I used the Broken Wall Beam Rubble toy, I added locators connected to a single effects generator that provides the smoke plume effects. I think it looks pretty cool. I used similar toys and effects for the Hulk’s Rampage toy box setting. I also used the Hulk skydome power disc for the sky in that toy box. Even though it doesn’t really fit the sunny sky setting from the movie, it was an opportunity for me to finally use it for a toy box and it has appropriately themed music which I’m big on for my toy box creations.”

“That’s the theater building with the Broken Wall Pole Rubble that sparks. Makes a good effect for the theater’s destroyed marquis. I also refer to this section of town as “Calamity Court.”

Here’s another shot of that same building, showing the rubble piece that he was referring to:

“The bottom left corner of this screenshot is the multi-level parking garage. Good for placing cars on top of and then destroying them while fighting Ultron’s minions.”

He also added some rubble pieces and smoke to the top of some of the buildings, which I thought was a brilliant touch. And I did not know those red brick rubble pieces were customizable!!! When I told him that, he replied, “I didn’t know they were customizable either until I was playing around with it in this toy box!

Here’s another building where he did that same thing:

I wish I had the memory on my Wii U to add that much extra detail. It looks amazing! Thanks for sharing these pictures, Jetblast190, and for giving me permission to share them with my followers! Great job!

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