Age of Ultron #28 – Ultron Boss Battle Logic

In today’s episode, I’ll show you how to implement the logic for the boss battle with Ultron. I had to design this myself, because the Boss Battle Spawner does not include Ultron as an option. This video will be a little longer than usual, because it takes a while to connect everything, and I don’t want to skip over any logic connections.

Here are the logic diagrams for connecting the Creativi-toys that I used. Once again, I could not fit everything onto a single diagram, so I have color-coded the objects to help you match up the objects on the diagrams. The green objects are toys that I have reused from the previous 2 episodes. They are the same objects from those diagrams, as you will also see in the video. All other objects are unique to this mission.

The first diagram shows the set up for start of the mission. The orange logic gate is the same one from the fourth diagram for the previous episode, as shown in the video.

The second diagram is for the first stage of the battle. The first stage ends when the player has destroyed all of the armored orbs, which is detected by the Collectible Tracker. This toy performs the cleanup for stage 1 and starts the toys needed for stage 2. The Replayer for the orbs is the same object as the previous diagram.

The third diagram is for the second stage of the battle. The Randomizer and its Logic Gate are the same 2 objects shown on the previous diagram.

The fourth diagram shows what happens when the player fails to hit 10 targets before the 10-second Time Delayer is completed. It resets the battle for stage 1. Many of the blue objects are the same ones shown on the previous diagrams.

The final diagram shows what happens when the player wins the battle.


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