Toy Box Racing #7 – Erupting Volcano & Finishing Touches

I'm back in my Hawaiian Grand Prix toy box for the final time today, as I wrap up this race course and put the finishing touches on it. I'll set up the exploding volcano, temple traps, rocket engine trap, and the boost pad and vehicle weapon generators. I don't have any logic diagrams for this …

Continue reading Toy Box Racing #7 – Erupting Volcano & Finishing Touches

Toy Box Racing #6 – Mines Rolling Down a Hill

Today I'm implementing the next feature on my Hawaiian Grand Prix race course, which is the mines rolling down the hill. It's a thrilling obstacle to dodge during a race, and it's fun watching the mines take out the AI cars once in a while. Here is the logic diagram for the Creativi-toys that …

Continue reading Toy Box Racing #6 – Mines Rolling Down a Hill