Disneyland #26 – Finishing Fantasyland

Today I’ll be finishing up my Fantasyland toy box. At the start of the video, I’ll also let you know what you can expect over the next month or so, because I’ll be taking a 3-week break at the end of next week. Enjoy!

One thought on “Disneyland #26 – Finishing Fantasyland

  1. Tuh-Mater, but without the "Tuh"

    I know it’s been a while, but in case there’s still viewers out there that’d still like to know, or even if the Professor doesn’t know still, the Small World Facade can be unlocked by the Disneyland Magic Bands as from Professor Toybox’s video about Magic Bands. You can unlock it in 2.0 as well, I’ve tried it before and it worked, but not in 1.0. The Small World Facade is only unlockable with the Magic Bands from Disneyland in 2.0 and 3.0

    – Tuh-Mater

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