Saturday Steal – Disney Infinity 3.0 Nemo Figure

Amazon US currently has the Disney Infinity 3.0 Nemo Figure listed for only $6.06 USD, which is almost 60% off the original list price. Of course, the price can change at any time, so if you don’t yet own this figure, this is a great time to add him to your collection!

Nemo was one of the final characters to be released for Disney Infinity, and he is a really cute character to play with. As usual, the Disney Infinity developers did a really great job of capturing his personality and his plucky attitude. The way he looks around with childlike wonder and curiosity when he is left idle is charming.

For Nemo’s melee attack, he spins and slaps his enemies with his tail fin. His ranged attack consists of shooting bubbles, and his skill tree allows you to increase the damage that his bubbles cause. His special attack, Bubble Mayhem, consists of blowing a huge bubble and slapping it with his fin to launch it at enemies.

In toy box mode, Nemo has the same limitation that Dory has – he can’t swim (actually fly) in three dimensions. He just “swims” along the ground the way other characters walk. However, his skill tree allows you to unlock a super jump ability, and if you continue holding down the jump button after he reaches the apex of his jump, he will gently float back down to the ground.

Nemo can be used in the Finding Dory play set (and is necessary if you want to share that adventure with another player). He can also be used in the Toy Box Takeover and Toy Box Speedway games, as well as in the 3.0 toy box. He may look out of place in those games (dare I say it, like a fish out of water), but it is a cartoony video game after all, so it isn’t too disconcerting. Personally, I find it rather amusing racing around the Toy Box Speedway tracks with Nemo driving Cinderella’s coach or Ghost Rider’s motorcycle.

If you don’t already have Nemo in your collection, this is a great time to buy him. You’ll get a great new character for your game, and your purchase will also help support me and my blog.

(As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Saturday Steal – Disney Infinity 3.0 Nemo Figure

  1. Pingback: Saturday Steal – Finding Dory Themed Bundle – Professor Toybox

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