Toy Box Tutorials #1 – Getting Started

Today I’m starting a new series called Toy Box Tutorials, which is designed for people who are new to building in the toy box. This series will air on Fridays, and each week’s episode will cover 1 or 2 topics that will teach you how to use certain toy box features. Mondays and Wednesdays will still be devoted to my normal content.

For this first episode, I’ll help you get started and teach you the basics of creating and editing in the toy box.

We will be using the Disney Infinity 3.0 toy box exclusively. So if you don’t currently own a copy of 3.0, you can get it for a discounted price on Amazon. You can find links for 3.0 for your particular console here.

When I asked for viewer requests a few weeks back, I was surprised by the number of requests I received from people who were new to the toy box. I had assumed, since this was an older game, that people were already familiar with building in the toy box, but I obviously assumed incorrectly.

There’s a wealth of existing tutorials in written and video form on the internet, but they’re not necessarily easy to find now. So I decided to develop my own. I’ll put them on my blog in the Toy Box Tutorials category, and on my YouTube channel in the Toy Box Tutorials playlist, so you’ll always be able to find them.

This is a new endeavor for me, so feedback is appreciated – especially from those of you who are new to the toy box. Let me know if this is too basic, or not basic enough for your needs. And as always, if you have questions, feel free to ask. I’ll try to help as best I can.


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