Random Dungeons #17 – How to Use Sidekicks

Part 17 of my Random Dungeons series focuses on using sidekicks in your own toy box adventure games. In this episode, I’ll discuss the problem of food (specifically the lack thereof), how to award sidekick gear using loot chests, and how to use a number of the sidekick-related building pieces to create various obstacles and puzzles.

Here is the logic diagram for connecting the Sidekick Tree to the other Creativi-toys to spawn an item or an enemy when you throw your sidekick into it (like you see in Brave Forest Siege):

And this is the modified logic diagram for the fire barrier from the previous episode. I added a replayer, which solves the problem of the sidekick walking into the lava after deactivating the fire barrier. The replayer adds a grate that covers the lava.

And here is the logic diagram for the second fire barrier that I built, where you use a cannon to launch the sidekick across a chasm to the machine that turns off the barrier:


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